
Ex-factory/Cultural Space

@. Zelazna 51/53
architekt. ?
finished. 1893

This former silver-plating factory is currently almost abandoned. It stopped production in the late 70's and by 1982 the grounds, untouched for several decades, were taken over by the Museum of Industry. Currently the musem, a worthwhile collection of old cars, motorcycles and various other modes of transportation is in Ochota. The only tenant is a theater and the entire complex is under development by JEMS Architects. It will be transformed into offices, cultural spaces and apartments that will maintain the most valuable architectural elements. For now come and check out this corner of Warsaw where time has seemingly stood still for the last 70 years. It is an incredible juxtaposition to the shining skyscrapers in the background and a real window into the history of industrialized Warsaw.
A link to the proposed project.

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