Domki Finskie / Finish Houses

@. Jazdow 10/3
finished. 1945

Finish Houses in Jazdow, at the boundary of Srodmiescie, between the Polish Parliament and Ujazdowski Park. They seem like an anomaly. They were constructed right after the war as temporary housing for workers rebuilding Warsaw. They were meant to stand for about 5 years yet they're there to this day. Infact today they are commanding high prices, who wouldn't want to live in a wood cabin in the middle of the city. In a historical turn of events that I don't quite understand these houses were part of reparations that Finland was forced to pay the USSR after WWII. The USSR then passed them along to Poland where they were used in various cities. Apparently there were thousands of these pre-fab houses brought in from Finland. Not all of them were gifts of the USSR. Some were bartered in exchange for Polish coal. In all cases they were meant to alleviate the terrible housign shortages that Poland faced after the war.

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