Window Shopping. Mokotowska. RS2


@. Mokotowska
finished. 2008

Mokotowska is turning into a high-fashion hub in Warsaw. This is a great trend for a city in which interesting shops are frequently spread kilometers apart. It's a great contrast to developer driven inner-city malls that unlike shopping streets do not integrate into the urban fabric. So I'm really happy to see a seemingly successful niche shopping street forming organically. Yay!

The Reebok concept store is slick and minimalist which accentuates the few elements of the 24hr store that it has replaced (the tile floors and old radiators). This is nothing new though. What I really appreciate is that the sign in the window maintains the language of classic Warsaw shops. Nice job!

PS. RS2 keeps up with the trend these days of adding coffee, tea and cake to whatever else it may be trying to hawk.

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