KDT/Shopkeepers Department Store

architect. ? someone hired by the company Kupieckie Domy Towarowe
finished. 2001, will most likely be torn down in 2010

The urban policy of Warsaw towards the Palace of Culture is ambivalent and confusing. For example, Defilad Square, at the foot of the Palace, is one of Warsaw’s most representative public spaces. In the 90’s it was appropriated by shop keepers selling cheap imported goods from hastily put together booths. The city decided to organize this mess and legalize the activity by building a ‘temporary’ Quonset-like structure to house the merchants (in the end it was just as much of an eyesore). When the city finally chose in 2009 to implement its plan to build a more appropriate structure for this representative public space, the shop keepers felt so entitled to their ‘shopping center’ that riots broke out. Currently the city awaits the removal of the Quonset and the subsequent construction of a modern art museum designed by a Swiss architect.

Update: the quonset has been sold for 107,000 zl, a real bargain considering it's construction cost 17 million.


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